Keeping our clinicians and clients safe during the pandemic. What you need to know:

We are going to extreme lengths when it comes to keeping our spaces clean but not overly sterile.

How we are doing this is by:

  • Staggering in-person appointments to the best of our ability with virtual appointments

  • Asking clients to use their cars as a waiting room for the time being. We will happily send a text, email, wave, or come out to your car to get you once you’re set to come in.

  • Using air purifiers in the office for added air filtration

  • We still offer bathrooms, which are washed regularly and have the ability to wash hands. (Please note: while individual single use, our bathroom is for all humans, regardless of how they identify).

  • Offering hand sanitizer in the waiting room, but please remember, anti-bacterials don’t kill viruses like COVID and should be secondary to hand washing when protecting yourself from bacteria.

  • While we are not under any mask mandates, we want our clients to feel comfortable while they are in the office. If you would like us to wear our masks during session, please let us know and we will happily oblige.